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  • Writer's picturePenelope Roach

Easy Low Carb Herbed Cheese-Stuffed Chicken Breasts Wrapped In Prosciutto; That's Dinner Tonight!

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

*See below for Roasted Sweet Potato Recipe.

The inside is so pretty!

This is an easy delicious low-carb dish that is perfect for after the holidays. I paired it with roasted sweet potatoes and salad in the picture above. Sweet potatoes are not low-carb but are very nutritious. Sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber as well as containing many vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and vitamins B and C. However, if your goal is a low-carb meal, roasted broccoli or green beans would work just as well. 😁

This dish is beautiful when you serve it, and when you cut into the chicken breast. The herbed cheese inside helps to make a really tasty sauce to serve with the chicken. The brand I use is Boursin, and you can find it in most grocery stores.

Boursin is a brand of Gournay cheese. It is creamy and comes in a variety of flavors. The texture is similar to cream cheese. Just a little history...this cheese was created in 1957 by Francois Boursin, a cheese maker from Normandy.

If you want to order it, click on the link below in the Ingredients section.

My daughter helped me make the meal above after I had a long day at work. With a little help from her, we were able to get this meal on the table in about 35 minutes.😁

It is so yummy and relatively quick; your family will love it! This is also a very romantic meal for two. Just make 2 or three chicken breasts instead of 6....unless you want leftovers for the next day!


  • 6 smaller chicken breasts or 3 large chicken breasts cut in half, boneless and skinless

  • 2 5.2 packages of Boursin Garlic Fine Herb Cheese or another flavor

  • 6-12 thinly sliced pieces of Prosciutto

  • 2+ Tablespoons of Olive Oil

  • Seasonings such as salt, pepper, garlic powder

  • 1/2 cup of wine, chicken broth, lemon juice, or apple cider, to deglaze the pan and make the sauce.

  • Optional: chopped parsley or green onions for garnish.


  1. Let the chicken breasts set out for at least 20 minutes to bring to room temperature.

  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  3. Put a piece of parchment paper over the chicken breasts, or use butcher paper. Flatten-out the chicken breasts by pounding the chicken breast with a meat tenderizer mallet until the chicken breasts are an even thickness. For a reversible mallet similar to the silver one below, click here. (*Note: Having difficulty with this link. Try again later.)

* If working with thick chicken breasts, you may want to butterfly the chicken breasts

instead of pounding.


*To butterfly: Cut a slit horizontally through each chicken breast, opening like a book. Be careful to not cut all the way through. Put the cheese inside the flap, then wrap in prosciutto. Continue with directions, #7.


I cut the large chicken breasts in half first.

In the pictures above, I did not need to butterfly the chicken breasts. I was able to cut them in half before flattening them.

3. Liberally season both sides of the chicken breasts with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

4. Place approximately 2 Tablespoons of herbed cheese in the middle of each breast.

5. Carefully, roll-up the chicken breasts vertically.

6. Place one or two thin pieces of prosciutto on parchment paper, or a flat, clean surface. Place one chicken breast on top, and wrap the prosciutto around the chicken breasts, and secure with toothpicks. Repeat with the other chicken breasts.

7. Heat a large skillet over medium heat with olive oil. Carefully, brown the chicken on all sides, and remove the toothpicks as needed.

8. Transfer the pan to the oven, and cook chicken breasts in the oven at 350 degrees for approximately 10 minutes or until the chicken reaches the temperature of 165 degrees with an instant-read thermometer.

9. Transfer the chicken breast to a plate and cover loosely with foil. Carefully add the liquid to the pan and whisk to deglaze the pan, and create a sauce. I used wine and a little apple cider. Some of the cheese will have fallen out of the chicken breasts which will help to create a yummy sauce. Cook for a minute or two. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add more liquid if needed.

10. Serve the sauce with the chicken breasts. Add garnishes such as parsley and green onions.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes:

1. To quickly make the roasted sweet potatoes, I bought pre-cut sweet potatoes at the market.

Make sure they are all approximately the same size.

2. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

3. Spread the cut-up sweet potatoes on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle with 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil, and season with salt, pepper, garlic, and other spices. Toss to distribute spices. * I added 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika. Other spices to consider are ground cumin and chili powder,

Tip: Do not overlap or crowd the sweet potatoes or they will steam instead of crisp.

4. Roast for approximately 25- 35 minutes, tossing every 10-15 minutes, until the desired doneness.

Happy Dinner, and Bon Appetit!


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