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  • Writer's picturePenelope Roach

In-love with Yorkies! Meet Tazzie and Chupie!

Updated: Oct 23, 2020

Meet Tazzie (Tasmanian devil), and Chupie (Chupacabra)!

puppy Yorkies
Baby Yorkies!

I (Penny) have had Yorkshire Terriers most of my life, since I was in grade school. My family always named our Yorkies ferocious names... for example there has been Fanger, Attila The Hun (Tilly), Terminator, Wolfgang, Rambo, etc. Most of our Yorkies have grown to be around 5 or 6 pounds.

I had a Yorkie when I met Carey, Tilly; and soon Carey became a fan as well, taking to Tilly quickly. Carey is allergic to some dogs, but since Yorkies are hypoallergenic and they don't shed, it was not a problem!

We love their fiery personality. They are so small, yet brave.

There is very little fear in most Yorkies. They go up to the biggest animal with little trepidation. Yet, they love people, and are definitely "pack" animals. They always want to be with their pack; their humans.

We lost our beloved Cupcake (the only Yorkie with a cute name) too soon- She was 8 years old and was the dog our kids grew up with. We were heartbroken, and made the jump to get two sisters- we had always been a one dog family.

It has been an adventure, they are a little over one year old, but we love it! They are double trouble, but they bring so much joy to our life. If you are an animal lover, you totally get it- they are family!

Here are a few pictures of our doggies. As puppies they start off almost entirely black, looking like little toy bears.

As they get older, they go through many changes. Their hair grows out, with blond fur on their heads, and black fur (really more like hair) on their backs with silver streaks.

We love all their adorable stages!


William with Chupie and Tazzie!

Yorkies with sister
Cute Girls!!
Double Trouble!

Tazzie has the droopy ears. 😁
Last Halloween
Cute little pumpkins!

My dad and Termi

My Yorkie, Tilly, When we were dating

Cupcake and Victoria's art pic 💕

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