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  • Writer's picturePenelope Roach

Today is Penelope's Birthday!

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Usually I hijack my wife’s FaceBook page to wish her a Happy Birthday, but this time we now have a blog, and I know the password! So here is a shout out to my wife, who has been my wonderful best friend and lover; my partner in ministry, partner in crime, and awesome mother of my children. She does everything with such heart, intelligence, and with great affection and passion. I am so proud of her to finally to act on a dream and do this blog, getting to share her love of hosting and celebrating traditions; and I am so proud of how much she helps others as a speech pathologist. I love her so much, especially during such a tough, tough year. But, BTW, all that food you see here, I get to eat all of that, and, to quote Austin Powers, “It’s good to be me”. I’m trying not to get fat! Anyway, if you want, wish her Happy Birthday! here or on FaceBook. Have a Happy Christmas here soon! And cheer up and keep your chin up, the Covid vaccine is coming soon!

-Carey Roach

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Penelope Roach
Penelope Roach
Dec 03, 2020

Leah- I am all for that! I would love to see you!❤️


Dec 03, 2020

Well said, Carey ! You have one amazing wife. Happy Birthday, Penny ! Reading your blog is really encouraging me to come see you and spend some "friend time" :) Love Ya !!


Shauna Jackson
Shauna Jackson
Dec 02, 2020

Happy Birthday, Penny! What a sweet note and testimony.


Penelope Roach
Penelope Roach
Dec 02, 2020

Ty honey! I really appreciate that! Love you so much!!

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